
Outreach opportunities through Grace Life Church are both local to the southwestern Minnesota area, and global!


When we hear the words “Missions” or “Outreach” we often think of those people in faraway lands, sharing Jesus with people who have never heard of Him. But after His resurrection Jesus tells his followers, (Acts 1:8, NLT) "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." The witness starts at home. Here at GLC we have local opportunities for you to put your gifts to work, connect with others in the community, and share the Word and love of Christ!

True Light: True Light Christian School
True Light (formerly Marshall Area Christian School/MACS) was founded in 1987 as an independent, non-denominational K-8 school. True Light educates students from a Biblical perspective with special emphasis on character development and moral values. The school families represent about fifteen Christian churches from Marshall and the surrounding communities. True Light is governed by a school board led by parents. True Light Christian School exists to provide an enriching environment where students are challenged to obey God's Word, fulfill their academic potential, explore the arts, and enjoy athletics.

Hope Harbor: Marshall
Hope Harbor is a Christian ministry full of God’s hope, forgiveness, and grace with a loving staff deeply committed to restoring young lives and families. Founded in Marshall, MN, Hope Harbor offers family style care for teens ages 12-17 and families as they heal from a variety of issues that are unfortunately commonplace for youth today. These include past abuse, trauma, anger, substance use, mental health challenges, exploitation, self-harm, suicidal ideation, anxiety, attachment issues, and more.  Hope Harbor's mission is to give hope to families by equipping, empowering, and anchoring them to Jesus.

Gary Gilbertson: Prepare Ministries
Gary founded Prepare Ministries in 2001, and God is using him in teaching and evangelism. Prepare Ministries is a multi-denominational campus ministry with a heart to encourage and strengthen this generation's relationship with Jesus. They strive to accomplish this and to train the current generation through Meetings, Mentoring, and Missions. His ministry takes him all over the world: he recently returned from Africa.

Clear Waters Life Center: Mustard Seed Homes | CWLC Newsletter
In 2004 a handful of individuals from multiple church backgrounds, with a common belief in a living God, heard the call to do something with a closed school building in Clearbrook, MN. Four years, a youth center, chemical dependency group meetings, counseling services, and numerous other programs later, Mustard Seed Homes was birthed. Isaiah 42:22-23 says, “This is a people robbed and plundered, hidden away in caves and prison houses. They have become a prey with no one to say, “Restore!” Who among you will give ear to this? Who will give heed in the time to come?” With those words ringing in our ears we endeavored to build a program that would restore the whole person.  MSH is a one year residential program for adult males. We incorporate discipleship into the daily classes, chemical dependency and mental health support groups and vocational and life skills training. For more information about the MSH program go to mustardseedhomes.org.

Laura Hibma: Lionshare
Administrator, The Leadership Games
Laura serves as the administrator of Lionshare’s new initiative and discipling event, The Leadership Games.  She has spent her career in education, working as an administrator and teacher at True Light Christian School in Minnesota, a Spanish instructor with Upward Bound and as lead teacher at the International Christian School of Lima, Peru.  She excels in administration, problem solving and strategy and is excited to bring those skills to promote discipleship.
Lionshare aims to co-mission with Jesus in fulfilling His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by igniting and equipping disciple makers within the Church and throughout the vocations where believers work. That includes small groups and one-on-one discipling. We believe discipleship works best through relationship using a tool that references God’s character, ways and mission. We provide those tools and train Christians to make disciples wherever they have influence, inside and outside their church. We believe Jesus created the blueprint for discipleship by living life with his disciples, teaching them by example, and expecting them to turn around and invest in others. They did, and the world was changed as a result.

Caleb & Brittnee Monson: Serving In Human Trafficking, Intercultural Ministries | AG U.S. Missions
Caleb & Brittnee focus on reaching out to victims of human trafficking and the vulnerable. Largely concentrated on the prevention and intervention side, accomplished through school assembly programs.

Aaron & Emily Ahlquist: Lost Timber Bible Camp
Lost Timber is passionate about building relationships and helping campers grow in their faith. Whether at the beach, on the ball field, or in the chapel, campers are encouraged, cared for, and loved by our dedicated staff. Lost Timber Bible Camp started in 1973, is part of the non-profit corporation Chanarambie Christian Camps. As a non-denominational ministry they welcome campers from all religious backgrounds. Summer camps are at the heart of their existence offering fun-filled faith adventures for young people 9 - 19 years of age. Most importantly, Lost Timber is a God-centered camp. Sharing God's love is their focus, their purpose and their entire reason for being here. Their primary way of sharing the love of God is through relationships. The chapel speakers are powerful, but it's the solid friendships built at camp that allow people to open up and hear God speaking to them. It's these relationships that campers remember most about their Lost Timber experience.

Aaron and Emily Ahlquist, along with their family, Emma, Tessa, Boaz and Max, have served as Executive Director and Registrar/Guest Services at Lost Timber since 2014. Both Aaron and Emily grew up going to Lost Timber as campers and started serving as soon as they were old enough. They dreamed of living full time at camp when they retired. Then God called them into very early "retirement", and they love living and working at camp full time now. They have started homeschooling their kids and the kids help out in projects and cleaning around camp as well. As a family, they can't imagine a better place to grow and learn together!

To get involved in one of these outreach opportunities, contact them directly through their websites!


Missions that Grace Life Church supports, across town and across the world.
Grace Life Church desires to show the love of God by spreading the "Good News" of salvation locally and around the world in practical ways. By supporting missionaries financially and in prayer we stay in touch with today's reality of unreached communities that have never heard the Gospel. By partnering with effective established ministries we can offer church members the opportunities to experience interaction with other cultures by sharing the love of Christ.

Matthew 28:19 (NLT): "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

The Cazarin Family
Merry and Vicente, along with their children Isaiah, Wendy and Kasia, serve the Church in Spain. Merry is a 2nd generation missionary who grew up in Oaxaca, Mexico and Vicente is from Mexico. The family served many years in Oaxaca before the Lord called them to Spain. They focus on discipleship within the church, leading Sunday school classes for all ages, and youth group.

Charlie & Karen Oglesby: New Mercies Ministries
New Mercies endeavors to bring the message of Christ’s passion to hurting, hungry, hardened and hopeless people in post-crisis settings through sustainable relief and development projects in cooperation with local churches and faith-based NGOs. Project ideation and implementation is done hand-in-hand with local partner Faith Victory Association with a current emphasis on the SGBV Victims Support Center. Vocational Training, Child Sponsorship, Trauma Counseling, Access to Medical Care, and Christian Discipleship are a few of the projects aimed at serving those most vulnerable with a special focus on orphans, widows, and victims of gender-based violence.

Steve & Glenda Kvale: Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe Bible Translators is an organization that translates the Word of God into the language of unreached people groups around the world. Steve's role with Wycliffe is centered on technology projects and communication enhancements with missionaries. Steve and his family are based in the Balaton area, and he works remotely from his home with the rest of the team based out of Orlando, FL. Steve says it is a privilege to serve the various computer needs to help spread God's Word to the nations! "The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It never needs a furlough, and is never considered a foreigner."

Zinzendorf Mission: Jenna & Simeon
Jenna is obeying the call to carry God’s heart for the Middle East. Her vision is to labor in missions and prayer unto Jesus Christ being worshipped and the Great Commission being fulfilled. Jenna grew up in Marshall, attended Bible School in Kansas City and is now serving in the Middle East long-term working with a local house of prayer, sharing the Gospel with Muslims, and discipling new believers. The vision she and her team have is to see a thriving indigenous houses of prayer established in the Middle East.

Church Planting in the Middle East: Luke O.
Luke is faithfully obeying the Spirit felt call to church-plant in the Middle East.  Luke has always felt a call to serve the Lord reaching M’s in their local context abroad.  Having joined an organization whose sole goal is to reach M’s, it is his goal to see a mass movement of people to Christ there, employing methods that have proven very effective in building mass movements in the past (i.e. in one case study 51,000 people came to Christ over a small amount of time in SE Asia).

To get involved in one of these outreach opportunities, contact them directly through their websites or email!


Hope Harbor Dessert Frenzy

April 29, 2025
Event details